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File: js/

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  Classes of Subin Siby   Francium PHP 5 Star Rating System   js/   Download  
File: js/
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: JavaScript library to implement rating system. Contains jQuery plugin too.
Class: Francium PHP 5 Star Rating System
Record star ratings of items in a MySQL with AJAX
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 1,886 bytes


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/** .-------------------------------------. | Software: Francium Star | | Version: 0.1 (2015-06-15) | | | '-------------------------------------' */ function log(m){ console.log(m); } (function(window){ window.Fr = window.Fr || {}; = function(elem, rated_callback){ rated_callback = rated_callback || function(){}; elem.onmousemove = function(e) { if(elem.getAttribute("data-disabled") == null){ var xCoor = e.offsetX; var width = elem.offsetWidth; percent = (xCoor/width) * 100; if(percent < 101){ rating_decimal = ("" + (percent / 100) * 5 + "").substr(0, 3); if(rating_decimal.substr(-2) == ".9"){ rating_decimal = Math.round(rating_decimal, 2); } elem.setAttribute("data-title", "Set a rating of " + rating_decimal); elem.querySelector(".Fr-star-value").style.width = percent + "%"; } } }; elem.onmouseout = function(){ original_rating = elem.getAttribute("data-rating"); percent = (original_rating / 5) * 100; elem.querySelector(".Fr-star-value").style.width = percent + "%"; elem.removeAttribute("data-disabled"); }; elem.onclick = function(){ width = elem.querySelector(".Fr-star-value").style.width.replace("%", ""); rating = ("" + (width/100) * 5 + "").substr(0, 3); if(rating.substr(-2) == ".9"){ rating = Math.round(rating, 2); } elem.setAttribute("data-rating", rating); elem.setAttribute("data-disabled", 1); rated_callback(rating); }; }; })(window); (function($){ $.fn.Fr_star = function(rated_callback){ return this.each(function(){$(this).get(0), rated_callback); }); }; })(jQuery);