PHP Classes

what does mean notable

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Subject:what does mean notable
Summary:about this package
Author:adriano ghezzi
Date:2022-07-08 19:37:09

  1. what does mean notable   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of adriano ghezzi adriano ghezzi - 2022-07-08 19:37:09
I'm really asking myself what are criteria to evaluate a package to be notable
the only notable aspect it is how much this package is useless
it doesn't simulate a shop purchase neither is a calculator I can't neither chose qty.

and the statement :
"This way, developers can test the shopping application components without using a Web server."
it is misleading
for such an "application"
just type php -S localhost:8080
and open your browser

  2. Re: what does mean notable   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of adam berger adam berger - 2022-07-09 14:47:56 - In reply to message 1 from adriano ghezzi
Hi, the problem is that it counts the products and even tells you what coin you are paying, you can for example pay some bitcoin some cash and some payment card and finally there is a summary of your payments.
But exactly the point here is for a less experienced programmer to see how you can test different classes and interfaces easily and quickly. If that doesn't appeal to you, please write your package showing what you can do as a programmer.
Good luck