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What is the best PHP pdf to text converter class?: How to convert a PDF document to text or CSV

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What is the best PHP pdf to text converter class?

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Picture of Don Brown by Don Brown - 2 years ago (2022-05-11)

How to convert a PDF document to text or CSV

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My client can only supply data in a document in PDF format.

I am trying to find a PHP solution to convert a PDF file to CSV, text, or JSON formats.

I have tried the PdfToText, and it could not read the PDF file.

I welcome any suggestions.

Thanks Don

  • 4 Clarification requests
  • 4. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 2 years ago (2022-05-12) Reply

    Hello Don,

    When I say affordable, I mean an amount of money that is reasonable for you to pay.

    If you work for a customer, you will pay a fee and have a good profit for your work.

    Since I don't know how much your client is paying, I do not have a way to determine an exact amount.

    I think you should propose so you would determine the affordable amount.

    I always say the price is right when the customer agrees.

    Anyway, I would like to clarify that when I said PDF to Text, I meant a PHP package written by Christian Vigh, and it is available on the PHP Classes site. Did you check that package?

    There is also a pdftotext tool, a command-line program that you can call from PHP if you have it installed on your server.

    Kudos to our colleague Adriano Ghezzi for reminding me about that. I never tried it, so that it may work for you.

    • 3. Picture of adriano ghezzi by adriano ghezzi - 2 years ago (2022-05-12) Reply

      Hy Don I suppose the question is to convert a text document to a standard format like csv,json,sdf. On a linux os you can get raw text using /usr/bin/pdftotext now conversion to a standard format largely depends on the structure of the .txt file

      In the past I did a lot of jobs of this kind When there were not connection tools's I got raw printer output from legacy systems to converted them in standard format.

      I think the job may got in some hours max a couple of day.

      Just to define "affordable"

      let me have some pdf examples to think about it


      • 2. Picture of Don Brown by Don Brown - 2 years ago (2022-05-12) Reply

        Depends on what affordable actually means :-)

        • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 2 years ago (2022-05-12) Reply

          A reliable package that could do that conversion would be great. Unfortunately, the author of the PDFtoText died a few years ago.

          Let's wait and see if a developer can provide a reliable solution. I am sure some people would pay money for an answer.

          By the way, Don, would you pay an affordable fee for a working solution that would work well to extract the contents of a PDF document?

          Ask clarification

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