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Find how to connect to SMTP server: Connect to SMTP mail server through IMAP

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Find how to connect to SMTP server


Picture of Andrew Ladenko by Andrew Ladenko - 7 years ago (2017-01-05)

Connect to SMTP mail server through IMAP

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I need to connect to a SMTP mail server through IMAP but I don't know what are available ports and when I am connecting through standard ports such as 995, 993 there is broken connection on the server side.

This is Microsoft Exchange mail server. It seems I need to explore different connections, but I don't know how.

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1 Recommendation

MIME E-mail message sending: PHP mailer to compose and send MIME messages

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This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 23700 - 7 years ago (2017-01-05) Comment

IMAP is not for sending messages, it is for receiving, despite PHP IMAP extension has a SMTP message delivery functions.

This MIME message package can compose and send message via SMTP connections or with just PHP regular mail function.

Typically Microsoft Exchange uses the port 465. You can use this example script to test send messages via SMTP to Microsoft Exchange with this package.

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of Andrew Ladenko by Andrew Ladenko - 7 years ago (2017-01-05) Reply

    Thank You, Ill try this... but main goal that I Want to achieve is to save all attachments from INBOX to disk folders.

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